Super Humans & Microchip

We have finally entered the era of super technology—a development foretold thousands of years ago in the Holy Bible. The books of Prophet Daniel and Revelation by Apostle John prophesy about a “Beast,” representing an anti-God governmental system that will dominate the world in the end times.

In September 2016, Denmark witnessed a groundbreaking announcement by Blue Robot, introducing the first IoT Human Microchip implant, known as “BICHIP.” This microchip, featuring RFID, NFC, Bluetooth, and Internet data, is a passive implant designed to minimize medical risks compared to active implants.

Shanti Korporaal and the Rise of Biohacking

Australians are turning into “super-humans” by implanting microchips that enable them to unlock doors, activate devices, manage bank accounts, and log into computers with a simple wave of the hand. Shanti Korporaal from Sydney boasts about entering her workplace or car without needing keys or cards. Her ultimate goal? To completely eliminate the need for wallets, cards, and passwords. “You could set up your life so you never have to worry about passwords or PINs,” she told

These microchips, the size of a grain of rice, can store contact details, medical data, and even function as business cards. The chips can also interface with systems like Opal, enabling users to unlock computers, access photocopiers, and replace loyalty cards.

The implantation cost ranges from $80 to $140, depending on the chip’s sophistication. While individuals can perform the procedure at home, professional services by doctors cost an additional $150. These implants are minimally invasive, leaving marks as small as freckles.

The first RFID implant experiments date back to 1998, led by British scientist Kevin Warwick. His implant enabled him to open doors, control lights, and transmit verbal output. In 2009, another British scientist, Mark Gasson, implanted a more advanced device and demonstrated how a computer virus could wirelessly infect the chip, spreading to connected systems.

Since then, microchip technology has expanded globally. In 2015, Sweden’s Epicenter complex introduced implants for employees to unlock doors and operate devices, heralding a new era of integration between humans and technology.

Prophecy in the Holy Bible

The Bible forewarned about advanced technologies and their implications for humanity.

  • Daniel 7:8: “I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.”
  • Revelation 13:16-18: “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name…”

Vision of the End Times Ministry

At the age of 11, God gave me a vision about the end times and appointed me to serve His Kingdom. In this vision, I was assured that no harm would befall me, even when facing enemies. Since then, I have prayed for my family and believers to be taken in the rapture, avoiding the tribulation. Yet, I feel called to stand for God’s truth during that time and help save His people.

In 2002, I reflected on how to serve during the tribulation. Inspired by the story of Prophet Joseph, who stored grain for seven years of famine (Genesis 41–42), I envisioned creating agricultural and livestock resources to support God’s people. I urge believers to prepare wisely, establishing businesses based on natural resources to survive the tribulation.

Antichrist and the Tribulation

Revelation speaks about the rise of the Antichrist and the suffering of the saints:

  • Revelation 13:1-10: Describes the beast’s rule over every tribe, language, and nation for 42 months. Only those not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life will worship him.
  • Revelation 11:3-6: Refers to God’s two witnesses who will prophesy for 1,260 days, performing miracles and standing against the beast’s forces.

Personal Testimony

In my youth, I debated with a Muslim friend about these prophecies. He mocked the idea, but I told him he would witness their fulfillment. I believe in the Holy Word of the Bible and pray that he and others come to know the true God, who created humanity—not religion.

The world is divided into over 4,200 religions, each claiming to hold the truth. However, the God of Israel sent Jesus Christ, His Messiah, for the salvation of all mankind. Christianity is not a religion but a way of truth, uniting people from different cultures, nations, and ethnicities under one faith.

The Holy Bible: A Testament of God’s Plan

The Holy Bible is a collection of sacred texts, including the Torah, Psalms, Proverbs, Prophets’ letters, and the Gospels of Jesus. It spans 6,000 years of history, offering knowledge, wisdom, and prophecy. Through the Bible, God’s plan unfolds, revealing His truth and calling us to follow Him in these challenging times.

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